I Love Wild Foods & Wild Medicine!

Moving to Phoenix, Arizona in 1986 had a greater impact on my life than I could've expected. As we traveled across the desert, I tried to imagine the first settlers who decided to live in such a barren land. I wondered how they survived before modern conveniences such as air conditioning and grocery stores. Even more importantly, I wondered what people would eat today if grocery store shelves suddenly became bare.
I wasn't actually worried about it but I had a real desire to understand Matthew 6:26 that said, "Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?" I could see that the birds had no problem finding food, but what would we eat? Was there any food out there for people to eat?
After four years of this question popping up once in a while, I received an answer in a very big way when I attended a wild foods brunch and met Linda Runyon. She knew how to forage the desert for food from the local cacti, trees, and even weeds!
That day was a pivotal point in my journey to discover as many edible plants that I could. In 2014, I also started learning about native medicinal plants from several herbalists in Arizona and New Mexico.

Over the years I have come to see just how many useful plants such as weeds have been labeled bad and are either pulled out or sprayed and killed. Much knowledge of edible and medicinal vegetation has simply been lost. Many people are completely unaware of the usefulness of the plants even on their own property.
I think it's truly a shame that the knowledge of so many useful plants has been lost and forgotten. Now is the time to regain this important information. Now is the time to question what we do and why we do it:
Why do we automatically label weeds as bad and spray harmful herbicides on them?
Why do we consider mesquite, palo verde and ironwood pods as litter that falls on the ground instead of harvesting and eating them?
Why don't we know the many uses of the plants that grow on and around our own property?
Now is the time to become aware of the plants that are growing in your yard and within your walking distance. Learn the names and do some research for any possible edible or medicinal benefits.
Let me know if you would like some help. Call today for a FREE 20 minute consultation at 623-217-4922.
Get Started!
Call today for a FREE 20 minute consultation at 623-217-4922. I’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process and what to expect. Travel fees may apply.